Photography is an investment.
Many people are blown away by the price of modern photography. I’ve even been there – after all, you have friends with nice cameras. They would take pictures of you for free. That’s a much better alternative than wasting hundreds, or possibly thousands, of dollars on an expensive, fancy photographer… right?
But when you understand that photography is an investment that you will thank yourself for later, the price looks a little different. You may realize that when you pay a few hundred dollars for an hour session of photography, you aren’t paying for one hour. You’re paying for a lot of hours done in editing, proofing, marketing, and all the other “ings” involved in owning a business. You’re also paying for professional expertise that takes countless hours and dedication to develop. When you pay for a print, you’re not only paying for the few dollars the paper and ink cost, you are investing in professional print quality that you can’t get at Walgreens or Snapfish.
I ask only one thing – before you turn off the idea of hiring a professional photographer because of the price tag, make sure you consider the investment you are making for the future. Photos are pieces of artwork that can be used around a home, and they are also a way to remember the past in a way you can’t without them.